
Free gaming is back again for the 2017 Linc-Con, with a few more diverse things for you to give a go

Mario Kart!

We’re dedicating a whole section to Mario Kart! What’s more, all the consoles will be linked so there will be tournament races all day with some great prizes for the winners. Can you make the podium?

Modern & Retro Console Gaming

Like the 2016 Linc-Con there will be a range of modern and retro console gaming to try out. Relive some classic childhood moments or try your hand at something more modern, gaming for all!

Virtual Reality Gaming

Virtual Reality gaming will be available at the 2017 Linc-Con.
Something new for those who have never experienced the joy of fully immersive gaming or great fun for those who have.

Table Gaming

A bit of a twist on 2016, this year we’re bringing you table top gaming. Competitive 2 player gaming was very popular at last years comic con, so we’re hosting a range of table top games so more people can get involved.

Live Youtube Streaming

Pizza Games Funtimes will be live streaming some awsome games one the day & you can get envolved, Subscript to them on Youtube here:

All gaming is free but we ask you to consider all other comic con guests when playing and taking turns