Latina Relationship Characteristics

A growing number of Latino families are found in the United States. Investigate analyzing Latin relationship dynamics is crucial, especially as Latinos continue to make up an important percentage of the citizenry (Garcia, Bucher-Maluschke, Perez-Angarita, and Pérez-Angarita, mexican wife 2016).

The current study examines dyadic thematic analysis on the father-daughter relationship between adolescent Latina suicide attempters. The results illustrate that dads play a tremendous protective function against suicidal behavior. The research also covers how family characteristics such as machismo and the lack of economic stableness may effect the taking once life risk of adolescent Latinas.

Recent demographic movements in Latin America suggest a reduction in family size and a rise in cohabitation. These types of trends have an impact on internal home dynamics, such as the distribution of household chores and decision-making. For example , the traditional family unit model having a sole guy provider and a female devoted to housework and childcare is definitely changing in light of global modernization and ethnical influence. The classic family structure is usually challenged by the influx of immigrant couples who bring a mixture of cultures and a desire to preserve cultural customs.

Likewise, the impact of education is an ongoing concern pertaining to couple and friends and family formation in Latin America. Comparative investigations of educational national amounts and the producing impact on friends and family dynamics happen to be needed to map this relationship. Finally, intimate spouse violence is a serious concern that continues, with women and children currently being the main subjects. Comparative research that check to see the part of interpersonal and monetary situations in promoting family violence can also be crucial.