The future of Marvel- What does 2017 and beyond hold?

If there is one word we like to use to describe Guardians of the Galaxy it that it is ‘Fun’. At the time it was a nice welcome break from the serious dark, gritty tone of the Marvel Franchise. Aside from Tony Stark’s obvious whit and the odd scene most Marvel films pre-2017, as brilliant as they are, lack fun.

Our first impression of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 was that it looks brilliant but most of all, after Age of Ultron, Civil War and the rest, Marvel was fun again. Baby Groot, Drax and Rocket all bought back the comic relief we dearly missed. This wasn’t unexpected and was a welcome break in the franchise again to recharge our batteries for Marcel with some comic relief, but what got us thinking about the future direction of the franchise was Spider-Man Homecoming.

The one thing we can all agree on was that Toby Maquire’s Spider-Man lacked that witty cheeky personality that comes with the costume, while Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man showed signs of getting this right. But it seems that Tom Holland’s interpretation on Spider-Man is showing a big effort at putting this right. The ATM teaser scene, his interactions with Tony Stark and of course his role in Civil War all point towards, you guessed it, a fun Spider-Man.

Now it could be a coincidence that, after gaining the rights to Spider-Man, Marvel decided to slot Spider-Man Homecoming in mid 2017 after Guardians Vol.2 and two fun sets of leads merely follow on from each other by the luck of the draw. However, it could be a sign of the tide changing at Marvel industries with the franchise relaxing the tone of their future releases in order to freshen things up and appeal to younger audiences as well as faithful followers.

One thing we know for sure is that Thor Ragnarok will go a long way to showing us the future of Marvel.